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Customized Gift Paper Bags Should Not Miss The Classic Polka Dot Elements

Polka dots are a classic design pattern that can even be compared to black and white combinations. The origin of polka dots can be traced back to the medieval period in Europe, And it was not until the mid to late Renaissance that polka dots gradually gained popularity among women. By the mid-19th century, A dance called Polka was very popular in the United States, And people imitated the attire of Polka dancers, Naming polka dots after polka patterns. By the late 19th century, Designers had broken the order of polka dots and created irregular patterns. The 20th century was the peak period of polka dot patterns, With its presence in various occasions. Black, white and pink were the most popular polka dot colors at that time. Nowadays, Polka dots are still active in the design field, As a cyclical retro element that not only shines in the fashion industry, But also in customized gift paper bags and other fields.
In addition to classic color schemes, There are also many colorful polka dots, Such as pink, yellow, red and other colors with high saturation, Which look more vibrant and have a strong visual impact. The initial polka dots are initially arranged in order, Which looks more regular and quiet in appearance. The irregularly distributed polka dots are more dynamic and have a more casual and unrestrained style, More elegant. After hundreds of years of development, The design of polka dot elements has diversified expression techniques, And different styles of polka dot combinations can express different design atmospheres. The big dots symbolize freedom and boldness, While the small dots represent French romance and elegance. Different arrangements, big or small, constantly changing and constantly innovating, Providing a flexible visual presentation. Customized paper bags should not miss out on polka dot elements.
When customizing gift paper bags, Using polka dot elements is the most common way. Black or colored polka dot elements add vitality to the otherwise dull and monotonous appearance. Whether it's the artistic retro sentiment brought by the fine wavelet dots, Or the romantic temperament of a wandering bard demonstrated by the jumping large dots, They all make paper bags unique. Sometimes low-key and reserved, Sometimes bold and individual, The dot elements can give gift bags a unique charm.
Polka dots are an indispensable fashion element in design, With strong vitality and dynamism, Making previously static things suddenly three-dimensional and vivid. Applying polka dots to the design of gift paper bags will immediately enhance liveliness no matter what color is paired with it, And it can harmoniously coexist with most other styles. It also makes the entire paper bag more fashionable and recognizable, With good inclusiveness and beauty.