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Designers Use The Iconic Colors Of Christmas To Create Christmas Gift Paper Bags

Seeing these iconic colors, People naturally think of Christmas, As Christmas gift paper bags are necessary for the holiday.
White, green and red are the most classic Christmas colors. Of course, There are other colors, Such as gold, blue, etc. When Christmas comes, Every household should decorate with Christmas colors. These colors are an important part of Christmas, And each color has its relationship with Christmas. Designing Christmas gift paper favor bags naturally relies on these classic colors.
Green means Christmas must be green, Because the most important decoration for Christmas is the Christmas tree. Christmas trees are usually towering evergreen trees such as cedars and cypresses. The most commonly used plant is called Holly, Which has dark green pointed leaves and produces blood red berries in winter. In winter, People will use evergreen plants such as holly to decorate houses and churches. They believe that evil gods will kill plants in winter, Causing leaves and flowers to wither. And holly has extraordinary abilities to survive in the winter of death, So they believe that holly will have the same power to protect them from the harm of the god of death. This evergreen plant is very popular in winter and is widely used for decoration. Because this brings a good meaning to people, It tells them that spring will definitely come. In Rome, People exchange evergreen branches as a sign of good luck. In many parts of medieval Europe, There was a play on Christmas Eve, In which the Paradise Tree in the Garden of Eden was usually a pine tree with red apples hanging on it.
At the beginning, The red color represented the red apple on the tree of heaven, Which marked the mistake made by Adam. Red also represents the color of berries, And holly has thorns and blood red berries, Which are very suitable as symbols of a crown, Because in the Bible, Jesus was wearing a crown woven of thorns before his crucifixion. By the end of the 19th century, Chimpanzee wood had become another familiar Christmas decoration. Gorilla tree, also known as Christmas red, Has large bright red leaves and small yellow green flowers. Its star shaped leaves are often compared to the mysterious star of Bethlehem, also known as the Star of Destiny. There is also a saying that because red is the color of the bishop's robe, The familiar Santa Claus is also wearing red clothes, And Saint Nicholas is wearing Santa Claus's uniform.
Gold is the color of the sun and light, It can dispel darkness and bring light. In the Bible, Gold is also one of the gifts that Eastern sages bring to Little Jesus. In a traditional sense, This means that the wise always follow with light behind them. And the Venus, Which is placed at the top of the Christmas tree, Also represents this meaning.
These iconic Christmas colors are paired with Christmas elements such as Santa Claus, Christmas trees, reindeer, snowflakes, and bells. After reasonable matching, Designers create unique Christmas gift paper shopping bags that can enhance the festive atmosphere of Christmas.