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Geometric Elements In The Design Of Paper Bag

Design is an art of information transmission, And geometric elements as the most basic medium of design expression, They have simplified, simple and obvious visual characteristics. The main manifestation in paper bags is to fully utilize geometric points, lines, surfaces, circles, squares, triangles for shaping and combining, Thereby emphasizing the formal beauty of paper bags.
Regardless of the form and artistic style in which it appears, Geometric elements have always been the soul that supports design works. In gift bag design, It follows the aesthetic of form and creates, Playing an undeniable role in visual communication.
The space in paper bag design can reflect the hierarchical relationship of objects through the size, density and color changes of visual objects, allowing viewers to have a visual and psychological sense of space. However, Geometric elements can express a sense of space with the same effect through their unique forms, Without the contrast of color brightness and darkness.
A point is the beginning and foundation of a shape, And it is the position at the intersection of two straight lines. Dots can appear anywhere to create various shapes, Reflecting a sense of tension and weight. A line is a trajectory generated by the movement of a point, And it can also form a line when two planes intersect. As a design element, Lines can express different spatial sensations based on their length, thickness, light and dark variations, As well as the distance and depth between lines and surfaces. When many lines are combined together, The effect of perspective can be demonstrated through changes in hierarchy. There are many forms of expression for faces, And many points can be synthesized into different faces based on different sets of rhythm and rhythm. The movement trajectory of a line can form a surface, Which can be either square or circular. After points or lines are expanded, They can also form a surface. Faces have length and width, And different combinations can also express a sense of space and perspective.
The first impression that a circle gives is mostly of fullness, completeness and beauty. The most basic element of forming a circle is the curve, Which has directionality. Compared to straight lines, Different directionality will have diverse emotional characteristics, Bringing us a sense of satisfaction with a perfect and beautiful future. The oval shape contains emotions such as softness, fluidity, comfort and elegance. The application of squares can be divided into various forms, Some of which use squares as the basic element and are formed by stacking, Rotating, etc. The square gives a feeling of rigidity, sharp edges, and emotional stability, safety, equality and integrity. Triangles give people a sense of stability, While inverted triangles give people a sense of tension and instability. Triangles are different from squares and circles, Giving people a sense of alertness or guidance, And possessing infinite energy. The triangle in the arrow has clear guidance, Making people subconsciously search for information in the direction indicated.

The emergence of shopping paper bag design schemes is often based on the needs of the public. For specific goals, Designers need to carry out design conceptualization, Which is the first step in graphic design and directly determines the later design direction. Corresponding design schemes also need to be provided in the overall layout and conceptual conception.
In paper gift bag design, Basic graphic elements can be extracted into corresponding geometric forms, And then arranged in an orderly manner according to the design requirements of the flat layout, Oganically combining various different geometric forms.
On the basis of completing the basic design concept and layout, It is necessary to choose appropriate design techniques for the graphic expression of geometric elements. In the design of paper bags, There are many ways to process graphics. Incorporating geometric elements can be achieved through methods such as segmentation, contrast, symmetry, virtuality, repetition, gradient, radiance, size, etc. The basic features of graphics should be expressed in geometric form, And concise language should be used to help the public better understand their meanings.
Finally, After completing the integration of basic design and elements, Designers also need to grasp the overall style expression of the design. Designers can also express different styles of paper bags through geometric color blocks and a combination of lines and surfaces.
When geometric elements are integrated into the design of paper bags, The concise and bright lines and the beauty of order make the entire picture lively and give people a three-dimensional feeling of jumping out of the plane.