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The Importance Of Gift Paper Bag Design In Conveying Emotions Through Color

During holidays, People often give gifts to each other to express their feelings. Today, With the increasing abundance of goods and a variety of holiday gifts, They all require gift packaging paper bags, Which are becoming more and more exquisite. People not only express their emotions using the material functions of the gifts themselves but also use packaging paper bags to strengthen their emotions and blessings. Therefore, As a visual form of gifts, The design of packaging paper bags demonstrates its unique importance.

How to express emotions through the design of packaging paper bags, And truly convey emotions and ideas through the transmission of gifts, It is a problem worthy of serious exploration.

Among many elements in the design of holiday gift packaging paper bags, Color can be said to be the most important one. People know that color is a visual objective phenomenon, And as a physical phenomenon itself, It does not have emotional associations or symbolic significance. However, once color acts on people's visual organs, The visual physiological stimuli and effects it triggers will trigger subtle emotional reactions.

People's perceptual reactions to color contain a certain degree of subjectivity, And their visual, perceptual, and psychological reactions to color can form specific color emotions, trigger diverse color associations, And further symbolize these emotions. When the associative content of color emotions sublimates from concrete things to abstract emotions and artistic conception, and becomes a universal symbol, It will inertia help people convey emotions.

Red, with a high degree of warmth and luminosity, gives people warmth, excitement, and enthusiasm, making it the most positive color. Red symbolizes happiness, auspiciousness, friendship, and sincerity. Red fabric is commonly used for weddings, festivals, welcoming guests, congratulations, and celebration occasions in China. Such as red couplets, red double happiness, big red lights, red candles, red firecrackers, and red window decorations. Western countries also often use red roses as gifts to express love, friendship, sincerity, and beauty.

Orange has the characteristic of being warm, bright, and warm. It is close to gold and has a sense of nobility, beauty, and richness. Yellow is warm and neutral, with the connotation of being gentle in manners and surpassing vulgarity.

The neutral and slightly bright green color has a fresh and vivid meaning of life, as well as a sense of peace, security, and tranquility. Gold and silver are brilliant glossy color with high luminosity and purity, while gold is a solid yellow color with the characteristics of toughness, and luxury, and can express the meaning of brilliance, brightness, and beauty. Silver is also a glossy color, similar to the natural color of platinum, and has precious value and beauty like gold.

Silver has a high purity of brightness and luster, with a tranquil, clean, noble, bright, soft, elegant and holy charm. For Valentine's Day gift packaging, warm and romantic colors can be chosen to show strong affection. The gifts of traditional folk festivals can be paired with warm, bright, and warm colors, symbolizing a sense of value such as happiness, auspiciousness, and sincere friendship.

Color, as a language of design, expresses profound and extensive significance in the design of holiday gift packaging paper bags. It cleverly utilizes the emotional patterns and associations of color to fully express the symbolic role of color. It can strongly attract people's attention and evoke widespread interest and psychological resonance.