Points, lines and surfaces are the simplest and most complex arts in the world. Among them, Lines are the most common design expressions for any object's points, lines, and surfaces, And nothing can be expressed without linear art.
We will share how to use radiation to make gift shopping paper bags visually dynamic and impactful. Why can lines increase dynamism? We know that lines have variations in shape, position, length, thickness and other characteristics. They can be intangible white spaces or can be defined by points and surfaces. By repeatedly arranging and combining lines in a single direction or around, A radiating layout effect can be formed, Which can shape an intuitive linear structure.
The use of lines as a design element for paper bags mostly serves as an auxiliary role in design, Enhancing the visual and formal sense of the design through lines. Often, A small line can add some refinement to the picture.
In the design of gift bags, Not only can line elements be used for segmentation, arrangement, or rearrangement, But line elements can also be used to emphasize local and textual information.
In gift paper bag design, Line elements are redefined, Which can be border lines in the arrangement, Contour lines of graphics or text, or simple geometric shapes. The physical line will bring a clear sense of spatial presence to the audience, And the presence of the physical line will be accurately felt visually.
Long and short lines are relative line forms. Applying short line elements to the creative design of gift paper bags gives the overall design a strong sense of radiation and shock, While extensively using long lines creates a compact and rhythmic visual effect.
Thin lines are narrow line shapes and relatively existing line forms. In the design of gift paper bags, the reasonable use of thick and thin lines can best present a unique visual effect. Thin lines give people a soft and delicate psychological feeling, while thick lines show a more distinct sense of attention and bold personality, deepening the visual impression of creative expression in shopping paper bag design.
Is gradient design more eye-catching than regular line design? Gradient transition of lines, from large to small, or from bright to dark colors. The overall temperament will be more psychedelic or fast-paced, And the lines can be loose and spaced wide apart, It can also be compact. It can effectively highlight blank spaces and create different flavors.
Using a gradual fading design effect on lines in a layout can create a subtle effect that can quickly attract public attention.
Represent the lines in a grid form, Diverging from the center to the surrounding areas to create a grid effect. And the design of the grid has a certain degree of logic, Which can make the paper bag look neat and unified, And meet the styles of different layouts, Bringing different visual experiences.
Circles can form shapes through rays in visual form, And their expressive techniques visually give people a very complete feeling. The shape of circles formed by rays can effectively enrich the visual senses of the image, And is rich in variation, Which can be matched with almost any shape of graphics.
By repeating the arrangement of lines, The text effect is formed, And a unique arrangement can effectively express the text in a special form, Promoting the dissemination of thematic information.
By incorporating the element of lines,Through reasonable combinations and color combinations, A perfect gift paper bag can be created.