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Incorporating Diamond Patterns Into Customized Gift Shopping Paper Bags To Showcase Extraordinary Charm

As a designer of gift paper bags, To present a perfect paper bag design effect, It is necessary to have a deep understanding of various elements, Including materials, Considering and matching all details from a macro perspective. Not only do you see the aesthetic characteristics presented on the surface of gift, But you also need to explore the cultural connotations they convey.
Therefore, I hold an attitude of appreciation and awe towards all beautiful things, And it is indeed difficult to choose a preferred gift from them. Perhaps due to my personality, I personally excel in using geometry, Especially diamond patterns, To beautify gift shopping paper bags. From the original composition, Geometry is the alternating interweaving of longitude and latitude lines. From ancient times to the present, People have created and changed the order of longitude and latitude lines according to their own ideas, Arranging them to form various complex and varied geometric patterns. The clever combination of points, lines and surfaces is itself an art.
The aesthetic significance of geometric patterns lies first and foremost in the beauty of harmony, Which derives from symmetry, continuity and illusion. This aesthetic is both independent and interconnected. From the design of gift paper bags, Geometric patterns express a more rational beauty of rigor, regularity, proportion and rhythm compared to the freedom and freedom of natural patterns.
The diamond structure itself has a balanced line and surface shape, And based on its inherent symmetry, it visually gives people a sense of psychological stability and harmony. The diamond pattern has been used by people for a long time. As early as 3000 years ago during the Majiayao culture, Colored pottery jars were decorated with diamonds. In Scotland, The diamond pattern is a symbol of power, Which gives it a political color. The classic diamond pattern of Scottish clothing is still widely circulated today. Nowadays, Diamond patterns have become increasingly active in gift paper bags, CHANNEL, DIOR, and more.
By filling large diamonds with small ones and arranging them in a regular manner, strong tension and extensibility can be generated. The charm of diamond patterns is achieved by adding changes in the color of the longitude and latitude lines, Giving them both a sense of order and a strong sense of rhythm.
By using the most basic graphics for repetition and variation in design, A symmetrical and balanced form of beauty can be achieved, Which is concise, bright and imposing. Of course, The interpretation of diamond patterns in gift paper bags is ever-changing, And changing the color can blend it into the appearance of different styles. When the application of geometric patterns reaches a certain level, Personality is presented in the most natural way on gift paper bags.