For gifts, As commodities with special purposes, Are different from general commodities in terms of packaging design. General commodities are only consumed by the buyer themselves, Often emphasizing economic benefits. Gifts are used to give to others, And they should reflect the giver's intention. Therefore, Gift packaging paper bags are more particular.
On the one hand, It is for the purpose of protecting the gift, And on the other hand, It is also to make the gift presented appear more solemn. A satisfactory gift, Paired with a proper packaging paper bag, A gift with a beautiful outer packaging is a pleasing thing for both parties. The design of gift packaging paper bags should pay attention to the following key points:
Gift packaging paper bags are generally used in occasions such as festivals and wedding events. Their packaging design should be targeted and reflect the unique characteristics and uses of various gifts. For example, Gift packaging designed for children should have lively characteristics. There are also Christmas candy and jewelry stores that will launch Christmas gift paper bags with shapes such as Christmas trees, Santa Claus, and little snowmen. Small gift packaging bags also highlight the festive atmosphere.
Giving gifts itself conveys emotions, So gift packaging bags cannot be ignored. For example, Jewelry is often a bond that conveys emotions, And its outer packaging is extraordinary.
As a gift, Gifts not only express the dignity of the recipient, But also reflect the identity of the recipient. Therefore, Gift paper bags should pay attention to the material of paper. There are kraft paper, coated paper, and white cardboard in the market, which greatly enriches the selection of packaging materials. They all have different textures, Such as elasticity, softness, toughness, tear resistance, and waterproofing. They are often paired with decorative tapes, cards, and decals, And different gifts should choose the appropriate paper material to fully utilize the gift packaging.
How to choose appropriate materials to reflect the high-end nature of gift paper bags requires efforts to research and explore. As a designer, In addition to having innovative design concepts, it is necessary to have an understanding and analysis of the structure, performance, And general processing methods of various materials in order to achieve the best effect of gift packaging.
Different gifts come from different places, So gift packaging paper bags should emphasize design creativity, Highlight national or local styles, And reflect individual characteristics with cultural taste.